Understanding When To Use a Power of Attorney

Understanding When To Use a Power of Attorney

Understanding When To Use a Power of Attorney by Rick Kahler Whatever the circumstances, remember that a power of attorney is a useful but potentially dangerous tool. Before you put that much power into anyone’s hands, here are some things you need to know and...
Estate Planning for the Soon-To-Be Retired

Estate Planning for the Soon-To-Be Retired

Estate Planning for the Soon-To-Be Retired Time to start putting an estate plan together? We get advice from an estate planning attorney on putting together an estate plan that will protect both you and your family. by Andrea Norris-McKnight Estate planning always...
The Equitable Distribution of Family Heirlooms

The Equitable Distribution of Family Heirlooms

The Equitable Distribution of Family Heirlooms You want to be fair when leaving family heirlooms, but what’s the best way to do it? We get ideas from our readers on dividing family heirlooms equally. Hi Gary,I have three adult daughters, one of whom has two...
Should You Create a Trust?

Should You Create a Trust?

Should You Create a Trust? A trust, done correctly, can go a long way to preserve wealth after the death of the wealth accumulator. We explore what ‘done correctly’ means and whether a trust might make sense for your accumulated wealth. by Rick Kahler When...

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