Solo Cooking and Dining On a Budget Meal planning for one isn’t as easy as one might think. You have different challenges than meal planning and cooking for a family. These tips can help make it easier and cheaper. by Beth Huber Managing a food budget is...
Disposing of Estate Property Quickly and Economically by Reader Contributors What’s the best way to sell or give away estate property? Our readers offer tips and advice for disposing of estate property quickly and economically. Gary,My father-in-law has taken an...
Adult Children Still Living at Home? Getting Them To Contribute by Reader Contributors Are your adult children still living at home but not helping with the bills or household duties? Our readers (and parents) offer advice on getting them to contribute to the family...
What to Do With Your 401k When You Leave Your Job by Roger Wohlner Perhaps you’re retiring or maybe just changing jobs. There are issues to deal with. One of the most important is what to do with your old 401k. Perhaps you are retiring or perhaps you are moving...
Turn Your Home Into a Bed & Breakfast As an Extra Income Source by Debra Karplus Have a charming but ‘too big’ home? Consider using your home as a bed & breakfast. It’ll add to your income and interest to your life! Friends often tell you...
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