401k or Credit Card Debt: Which To Prioritize If You’re Over 50 by Gary Foreman Is it smarter to prioritize your 401k or credit card debt? Use these guidelines to compare these options. If you’re over 50, you’re probably looking for ways to boost...
Don’t Buy From A Website If You Spot Any Of These 6 Red Flags In this article: Signs of suspicious online retailers to look out for to avoid getting scammed Just like when they shop in person, when people buy over the Internet, they expect a quality item at a...
Still Write Paper Checks? Protect Yourself From Check Washing Scammers by Andrea Norris-McKnight You may worry about online hackers stealing your money, but if you still write paper checks, you also need to protect yourself from this old-school check scam that could...
Consider These 8 Steps To Bulk Up Your Monthly Income by Matt Casadona To many people, increasing monthly income means getting a second job. Instead, consider these ways to increase your incoming cash flow without working more hours. If you’re looking to...
6 Credit Questions To Answer As You Approach Retirement The use of credit changes over a lifetime. How will the changes affect you in retirement? Here are six credit questions you need to answer as you approach retirement. by Gary Foreman From your first gas credit...
What the Mature, Overqualified Job Seeker Needs To Know To Get a Job by Linda Shapero Finding yourself as a job seeker in middle age can be daunting. But these steps can help you get a job offer and become gainfully employed once again regardless of your age. Job...
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