When a Bare Bones Budget Is Not Enough To Make Ends Meet Have you cut expenses to the bone and still can’t make ends meet? Take these steps when a bare bones budget just isn’t enough to get you by. by Gary Foreman Dear GaryI already buy items on sale. I...
Dealing With Job Loss at 50+ You’re too young to retire and perhaps feel to old to be job searching. Here is how one couple got by while dealing with job loss at 50+. by “Anonymous” Even though my husband’s job loss was not totally unexpected,...
How a Con Man Targets and Takes Advantage of the Elderly by Lynn Bulmahn Read these confessions of a con man to learn how to protect yourself or your elder relatives from con artists who target and take advantage of the elderly. Hey, guys! My name is – well, I...
Those Who Give Too Much: Steps To Protect Your Financial Well-Being Some people get into financial trouble helping others. Are you one of those who give too much to family, friends, and even strangers? Take these steps to protect your financial future. by April Borbon...
Could a Cosigned Student Loan Sink Your Retirement? You helped a loved one through school but now they can’t repay that student loan you cosigned. What steps can you take to keep that student debt from ruining your retirement? by David Moakler Federal student...
The Importance of Managing Debt as You Near Retirement Too much debt can ruin all your hard retirement planning and saving. We speak with an attorney who specializes in debt issues about what you should do to prevent debt from interfering with your comfortable...
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