Frugal Cooking for One by Reader Contributors How does cooking for one compare to fast food dollar menus? Cooking is certainly the healthier option, but can it be cheaper? Our readers share tips for frugally cooking for one so you can avoid eating out. Dear After 50...
Raising a Grandchild on Retirement Income contributed by Colleen Raising a grandchild on retirement income can be tough. These money-saving tips from a stay-at-home grandma can help. My husband is retired and I quit my job four years ago to stay at home with my...
9 Ways To Save on Long Term Care Insurance by Vernon Williams Don’t let the high costs of long term care insurance keep you from needed coverage. Here are nine ways to save. 1. Buy a group policy through your employer. Since it is a group policy that is...
Does My Credit Report Matter As Much As I Age? by Gary Foreman If you no longer have a mortgage or car loan, does your credit report and score matter as much as you age? We explore how good and bad credit can affect those 50+ and why reviewing your credit report...
DIY Anti-Aging Beauty Recipes by Reader Contributors Want to look as young as you feel? We asked our readers to share their favorite DIY anti-aging beauty recipes. Why not give a few of these a try? Gary, I have been making my own homemade facial masks and scrubs for...
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