Should You Turn Your Collectibles Into Cash? by Patricia Estero Have you ever wondered whether your collectibles are worth something? If you are thinking of selling your prized possessions, here are five questions to consider before you call ‘American...
What Role Should Dividend Producing Stocks Play in a Retirement Financial Plan? by Gary Foreman A financial planning professional explains what dividend producing stocks are, how they work, and how they should be used in your retirement financial plan. For years,...
Just 4 Ingredients to a Cleaner House for Less Use these tips and recipes to have a cleaner house for less with just four ingredients – baking soda, salt, bleach and vinegar. by Barbara Sloan Baking soda, salt, bleach and vinegar can save the day and your...
How Empty Nesters Can Reduce Food Waste by Gary Foreman In a time of rising food prices, reducing food waste and, as a result, grocery bills is wise. However, eliminating food waste can be challenging as you adjust from cooking for a family to cooking for just one or...
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