Hiding Credit Card Debts From Your Spouse What should you do when you’re hiding credit card debts from your spouse and you’re having trouble making payments? Take these steps to come clean with your spouse and tackle your debt problem together. by Gary...
9 Action Steps for an Unplanned Retirement Early retirement can throw us a curve ball in the form of a job layoff, termination, or health issues. Here are the steps to take if you’re facing an unplanned early retirement. by Rick Kahler Retirement is a word...
Hope for an Almost-Retired Spendaholic by Gary Foreman Just because you didn’t overcome your past overspending tendencies doesn’t mean it cannot be done. We look at how to best tackle the problem. Dear Gary,I have been married 40 years. I am 59 and a...
Declaring Bankruptcy In Retirement: What You Should Know by Gary Foreman Hopefully, bankruptcy is not a decision you’ll have to face in retirement, but if you do, here is what you need to know. For the vast majority of us, retiring means that our income will be...
Could Debts Ruin Your Retirement? Advice From a CFP If you’ll be living on a limited income in retirement, a steep monthly debt payment could make retirement pretty uncomfortable. A CFP advises on what you need to know about carrying debt into retirement. by...
Dealing with Depression During Tough Financial Times by Amy Keeley When you can barely or can’t make ends meet, it is only natural you may experience stress and depression. We get advice from a psychologist specializing in depression on ways you can cope during...
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