How To Find a Missing Inheritance

How To Find a Missing Inheritance

How To Find a Missing Inheritance by Reader Contributors How do you go about finding a missing inheritance or find out if one ever existed? Our readers who have been through the search share their advice. Gary, Awhile back my father passed away. How do I go about...
Should I Prepay My Aging Parent’s Funeral?

Should I Prepay My Aging Parent’s Funeral?

Should I Prepay My Aging Parent’s Funeral? In this article: We explore the advantages and disadvantages of prepaying a funeral for an aging parent and the things to consider before deciding it is right for you and them. Is your parent’s health declining?...
13 Ways to Waste Sudden Wealth

13 Ways to Waste Sudden Wealth

13 Ways to Waste Sudden Wealth by Gary Foreman A rich uncle just left you a large inheritance. How can you manage to protect your windfall? By avoiding these 13 ways of wasting sudden wealth. You’ve always dreamed of winning the lotto. Rich Uncle Larry just left...
When Your Adult Kid Wants To Borrow Money

When Your Adult Kid Wants To Borrow Money

When Your Adult Kid Wants To Borrow Money Don’t let money ruin your relationships with your kids! Instead, take these steps to use money as a tool to strengthen and support your family’s financial future. by Shaunna Privratsky Money is not evil. But...

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