Credit Card Debt After the Death of a Spouse Will you be responsible for your spouse’s credit card debt if they die? Or will they be left to deal with yours? Here’s what you need to know about credit card debt upon death. by Bill Hardekopf When a spouse...
How To Negotiate a Prenup Without Jeopardizing Your Relationship by Rick Kahler With increasing numbers of two-career couples and blended families, prenuptial agreements may be appropriate for many newlyweds. We explore who needs a prenup an how to negotiate one....
9 Auto Essentials To Keep Your Road Trips Running Smoothly Don’t get caught unprepared on your next long-distance car trip. These road trip essentials can help keep your road trips running smoothly. by Rich Finzer I’m generally not a fan of...
Don’t Fall for These Dental Scams by Debra Karplus Is that fabulous dental offer that you received in the mail legit? Perhaps not. We explore how dental scams work and what to watch for. You are proud of yourself for all the money you have saved by not having...
How a Con Man Targets and Takes Advantage of the Elderly by Lynn Bulmahn Read these confessions of a con man to learn how to protect yourself or your elder relatives from con artists who target and take advantage of the elderly. Hey, guys! My name is – well, I...
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