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Money Milestones To Expect in Your 50s, 60s and 70s

Once you hit 50, several financial milestones must be considered that can affect how comfortably you retire.

Essential Fall Home Repairs photo

6 Essential Fall Home Repairs

Make sure your house is ready to weather this year’s storms.

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The Equitable Distribution of Family Heirlooms

You want to be fair when leaving family heirlooms, but what’s the best way to do it?

Could Debts Ruin Your Retirement photo

Could Debts Ruin Your Retirement?

If living on a limited income in retirement, a steep monthly debt payment could make things pretty uncomfortable.

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Reducing Expenses After Retirement photo

You deserve a comfortable retirement.

Whether you’re trying to plan for one or you’re already retired and want to make it even more comfortable, we can help.

Subscribe to After 50 Finances, our weekly newsletter that features financial topics and other issues important to the 50+ crowd that can help you plan for a comfortable retirement even if you haven’t saved enough or enjoy one if you are already retired.

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5+ Years Until Retirement

Financial Decisions in Your 50s photo

Legal Documents You Need In Your 50s

You may be retired but your finances aren’t. And your lifestyle and credit needs have changed. So you’ll still need to manage your credit card use, but it may be a bit differently than before.

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Managing Your 401k In Your 50s

Here are some steps you should take once you reach 50 to maximize the benefits you’ll receive from your 401k when you retire. What you do now could make a big difference in your retirement.

50-Something Couple Getting Divorced photo

Financial Considerations for People Getting Divorced In Their 50s

Overlooking something important could be devastating both post-divorce and in retirement. Here’s what you need to consider before divorcing after age 50.

Nearly Retired

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A Tool to Determine the Best Time to Take Social Security Benefits

It’s an important decision you don’t want to get wrong. You could lose thousands by retiring at the wrong time. Use this tool to get it right.

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8 Things to Do In the 4 Years Before You Retire

Don’t go into retirement unprepared. Do these eight things in the 4 years before you retire. These tools can help ensure you achieve your desired retirement.

Retirement Life

Enjoy Retirement without Jeopardizing Savings photo

How to Enjoy Retirement Without Jeopardizing Your Savings

A frugal retirement does not have to be a boring retirement. Try some of these inexpensive activities to have more fun without spending more!

Using Emergency Fund in Retirement photo

Your Emergency Fund In Retirement: A Comprehensive Guide

How does retirement affect your need for a rainy day fund? Find out why you’ll still likely need an emergency fund once you’ve retired and how you’ll manage and use it a bit differently than you do pre-retirement.

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Part-Time Jobs Ideal for Retirees

If you want more than a hobby to keep busy in retirement, why not work some? We explore part-time jobs that are ideal for retirees, even those who frequently travel.

Struggling to Retire?

You Didn't Save Enough for Retirement photo

You Didn’t Save Enough for Retirement and You’re 55+

Are you 55+ and know that you didn’t save enough for retirement? Perhaps there’s no need to worry. You still have some options for avoiding poverty when you retire if you act now.

Retired on Almost No Savings photo

How We Retired With Almost No Savings

Wondering how best to stretch a small retirement fund? See how one couple retired with almost no savings. In fact, less than $10k in retirement savings and they’re making it work! Maybe you can retire comfortably, too.

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Can a Reverse Mortgage Safely Boost Retirement Income?

Before taking out a reverse mortgage to increase your retirement income, you need to understand how a reverse mortgage works and the pros and cons of getting one. We consult an expert to find out what you need to know and consider.

Sign me up for a comfortable retirement!

Every Thursday we’ll send you articles and tips that will help you enjoy a comfortable retirement. Subscribers get a free copy of the After 50 Finances Pre-Retirement Checklist.

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