You deserve a comfortable retirement.
But you may be worried you haven’t saved enough to make it happen. Most of us are.
Will you outlive your money?
Will you be able to age in place?
Where can you find help for your aging parents or your grandkids? And, should you support your adult children?
These are all questions that I hear frequently among my boomer friends and the readers of After 50 Finances.

My name is Gary Foreman. I’m a former financial planner who’s been helping people manage their money for 35 years. As a baby boomer I understand our unique needs and concerns. I’ve seen mortgages at 12% and 3%. The Dow Jones stock market crash and surge. I may not have found all the answers, but I believe I know where to look for them. And, that’s what I include in our free weekly newsletter After 50 Finances. Each week we find articles from a variety of experts that can help you navigate the next stage of your financial life.
Did you know that Baby Boomers account for half of all consumer spending in the U.S.? (source: B.L.S.) That means that you’ll be making more (and bigger) financial decisions than at any other time in your life. Not only are there many financial decisions to make, but they’re very important decisions affecting quality of life for you and those you love and care for.
That’s why you should subscribe to After 50 Finances – the free weekly newsletter that shares information you need to know to make good financial decisions. Each issue contains helpful articles on:
- retirement planning
- estate planning
- how boomers can save money
- income opportunities for boomers
- managing your retirement accounts
- Social Security tips
- caring for your elderly parents
- providing help for your adult children and your grandchildren
- many other financial topics that affect baby boomers

If you subscribe today you’ll also receive a free Retirement Planning Checklist.
They say that age and wisdom will win out over youth and exuberance every time. So let us help you soak up the financial wisdom you’ll need for the next stage of your life with After 50 Finances.

Subscribe to After 50 Finances, our weekly newsletter dedicated to people 50 years and older.
Each week we feature financial topics and other issues important to the 50+ crowd that can help you plan for a comfortable retirement even if you haven’t saved enough.
Subscribers get The After 50 Finances Pre-Retirement Checklist for FREE!
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